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考研英语 完全倒装句型常见结构
发布时间:2014/5/12 10:39:18 来源:广州教育在线 编辑: luis



  (1) 副词here, there, then, now, next,等至于句首时:

  Yourturn comesnow. Now comes your turn。

  Edward and his wife came next. Next

  came Edward and his wife。

  A ticket for you is here. Here

  is a ticket for you。

  Notes: 主语为代词时,不用倒装

  He comes now. Now he comes。

  (2) 表地点的介词短语置于句首时:

  An old man sat in front of thehouse. In front of the house sat an old man。

  A beautiful lake lies at the foot ofthe hill. At the foot of the hill lies a beautiful lake。

  Some students are sitting under thetree. Under the tree are sitting somestudents。

  Notes: 主语为代词时,不用倒装

  He came in again. In he came again。

  He sat in front of thehouse. In front of the house he sat。

  (3) 方位副词off, away, up, in, down等至于句首时:

  The horse went off. Off

  went the horse。

  The prices went up. Up

  went the prices。

  The bird flew away. Away

  flew the bird。

  Notes: 主语为代词时,不用倒装

  (4) 形容词/形容词短语/现在分词短语/过去分词短语做句子的表语位于句首时:(此时句中的谓语动词往往是系动词,包括be动词,持续系动词:keep, remain, stay等,感官系动词:feel, smell, sound, taste,变化系动词:become, go, get等。)

  Mr. White and manyother friends were present at the meeting. Present at the meeting were Mr.White and many other friends。

  Aboy was lying on the floor. Lyingon the floor was a boy。


  a.Implicit within Taylor’sdefinition is the concept that culture islearned, shared, and patterned behavior. (2013年英译汉)

  分析:这里是完全倒装,倒装结构是上述的(4):形容词短语(implicitwithin Taylor’s definition)作表语置于句首。


  b.At the core of this debate is chairman Gerald Levin, 56, who took over for the late Steve Rossin 1992. (1997年阅读)

  分析:这里是完全倒装,倒装结构是上述的(2):表地点的介词短语(atthe core of this debate)置于句首。

  译文:这场争论的核心人物是现年56岁的主席GeraldLevin。他于1992年接替已故的Steve Ross。

  c.Emerging from the 1980census is the picture of a nation developingmore and more regional competition, as population growth in the Northeast andMidwest reaches a near standstill。

  分析:这里是完全倒装,倒装结构是上述的(4):现在分词短语(emergingfrom the 1980 census)作表语置于句首。



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