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发布时间:2010/6/9 17:46:33 来源:城市学习网 编辑:admin

  商务礼仪—— Invitation
  1) You Must Reply to an Invitation
  Foreign custom is much more strict than Chinese custom in the matter of replying to invitations. When you receive an invitation you should answer it immediately, saying definitely whether you are able to accept it or not.
  2) Written or Verbal Reply
  If the invitation is given by word of mouth, in conversation or at a chance meeting, you should answer at once whether you can come or not. If you cannot give an answer at that time, you may say, "May I let you know this evening?" Or some such words.
  商务礼仪—— Introduction
  1) How to Introduce People
  In introducing two people, the general rule is: Introduce other people to the person you wish to honor. The old are honored in the West as in China. Women have been honoured in the West since the days of knighthood(骑士时代).
  2) Rising at Introduction
  A man always rise for an introduction, except that it is sometimes all right for an elderly man to remain seated when a young man is introduced to him. The hostess always rises for an introduction.

  3) Introducing Yourself
  If you want to meet someone, it is better to ask a friend who know him to introduce you. But sometimes at a meeting or gathering it is all right to introduce yourself to a fellow-student, or to one of the same sex and position.

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